A boat, me…

Bonjour, Hello, Buenos Dias, Guten Tag, Dobre dien!

I am Miki de Goodaboom…

I prefer dancing on a volcano rather than to sit at home!
I love the colour, the contrast, the ordered chaos, the desert and the ocean…
And all that, always, fairly strewn with humour… and chocolate flakes!

And who ever you are, what ever you do, which ever language you speak, I´ll be happy to have you on board in my boat floating upon the seas of all our universes…

Miki de Goodaboom

53 Responses to “A boat, me…”

  1. Frances Sbrocchi Says:

    Came calling, lessons sound like fun. Fan

  2. Frances Sbrocchi Says:

    I looked at the lesson–and follow along although my current painting is all done on a WACOM I’ve worked in watercolor for years. Some pretty silly, check out the Donkeys’ Secretary. I do enjoy looking at your works. Fran

  3. iondanu Says:

    This is the first time I really see this (the small video included)… and it’s very interesting! Glad to be able to find out more about you, miki. I’m still down but on a slightly upward tendency so don’t expect too much…

  4. middleXeast Says:

    A painter’s best paintings are the ones which exhibit her inability to believe her own general ideas.

    Keep keeping on, Miki.

  5. Miki Says:

    Hi Mr. X and thanks for your comment.
    What happens with the painters who have no general ideas at all? Are they able to paint good paintings, or not? I´m asking because I have a lot of ideas, and they change all the time, from one extreme to the other… so, what is then my inability to believe in them, and how can I paint it? Painting always the same painting? Weird…

  6. middleXeast Says:

    Dear Miki,

    I must admit that I misled you to misread me by failing to express myself clearly.

    What I meant with “general ideas” was the words in which we formulate praise of our friends and contempt for our enemies, our long-term projects, our deepest self-doubts and our highest hopes. They are the words in which we tell, sometimes prospectively and sometimes retrospectively, the story of our lives.

    Richard Rorty calls these words a person’s final vocabulary.

    A great painter is the one who has radical and continuing doubts about the final vocabulary she currently uses:

    she does not think her vocabulary is closer to reality than others, that it is in touch with a power not herself; she realizes that anything can be made to look good or bad by being redescribed (repainted);

    she is never quite able to take herself seriously because she knows that truth is made rather than found;

    she thinks nothing has an intrinsic nature, a real essence

    She refuses to be commonsensical by embracing irony, by becoming an ironist.

    The ironist spends her time worrying about the possibility that she has been initiated into the wrong tribe, taught to play the wrong language game.

  7. Miki Says:

    Dear Mr. X,
    I was not totally serious with my answer…like always … but partly surely!
    I recognise myself in many of the news words you are writing, and all ths is beautifully said. I will have a look at Richard Rorty.
    Just one thing I am not: I am not an ironist, and I don´t like irony. It is very different from humour, which is something constructive, somehow, and irony has a destructive touch. I use only irony when I an deeply hurt, it is my way to hurt back, but I hate to do it, it is only a sign of weakness and frustration, and I normally apologise quite soon. Humour is strength, and kindness.
    Don´t you think so?

  8. middleXeast Says:

    Miki the aesthetic bliss,

    “I was not totally serious with my answer…”

    An ironist does not take herself seriously but the others and their works seriously. This is because taking others seriously and kindly is a precondition to aesthetics integrity.

    “I don´t like irony. It is very different from humour, which is something constructive, somehow, and irony has a destructive touch…Don´t you think so?”

    I agree as long as we are concerned with the literal meaning of these two terms.

    The metaphorical use of irony which I expressed in the previous comment makes us get busy developing a new understanding.

    According to Donald Davidson, one of the great philosophers of language, metaphors, by definition, do not have meaning in our language game except what their author wishes to convey and that the interpreter must grasp if she is to get the message.

    In his view, tossing a metaphor into a conversation is like suddenly breaking off the conversation long enough to make a face, or to do what you did with Van cough, or pulling a photograph out of your pocket and displaying it, or slapping your interlocutor’s face, or kissing him.

  9. kevmoore Says:

    I can’t agree entirely with Davidson’s view that tossing a metaphor into a conversation is like making a face. This is too simplistic. A metaphor should be used as an aid to greater understanding of the topic of conversation. If the listener fails to grasp that, it’s hardly the fault of the conversationalist. Merely making a face is unhelpful, it illustrates nothing, except perhaps the flexibility of one’s facial muscles. I like conversation for its own sake, and feel that to dissect it unduly takes the shine off it somewhat. As that great Eastern philosopher, Bruce Lee once almost said “Dont spend to much time trying to understand the stars, or you will miss their heavenly glory.”

  10. middleXeast Says:

    I hear you Kevmoore. One shouldn’t reduce the concept of metaphor to mime. Otherwise how one can explain how we got from speaking Neanderthal to speaking postmodern, since such an explanation takes us into intellectual history viewed as the history of metaphor.

  11. Miki Says:

    In fact, I really take everybody seriously, and myself not so much. Perhaps because I can´t grasp who or what I am, while everybody else has a well-defined shape, first defined by his outlines and then by all his “output”…(sorry about my words choice, when it becomes difficult, my English let me down…). While my own shape becomes less defined the more I am, what I generally do quite a lot. To be, I mean
    And it´s great so. I don´t need a shape, I perhaps don´t even need myself…but I do need the others!
    All my words are just meant as an impression of mysef, not more, not less…

  12. middleXeast Says:

    Sorry for the above italic, please, delete it.

    “I can´t grasp who or what I am, while everybody else has a well-defined shape, first defined by his outlines and then by all his “output”. Nicely said.

    But these well-defined shapes, or theorems, or models seem to me only stock items, rearranged in routine ways. They will not have impressed their mark on their out-put but, rather, will have spent their lives shoving about already coined pieces. That is what made his I different from all the other I’s.

    So one will not really have had an I at all. To lose that difference is what any painter or any poet fears.

    This is what Harold Bloom calls “the strong poet’s anxiety of influence, his horror of finding himself to be only a copy or a replica.”

    The most feared outcome is that nobody will find anything distinctive in his poems.

  13. kevmoore Says:

    “Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
    Who was very rarely stable
    Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
    Who could think you under the table
    David Hume could out-consume
    Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel
    And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
    Who was just as sloshed as Shlegel

    There’s nothing Nietzsche couldn’t teach ya
    ‘Bout the raising of the wrist
    Socrates himself was permanently pissed….

    John Stuart Mill of his own free will
    On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill
    Plato they say, could stick it away
    Half a crate of whisky everyday
    Aristotle, Arisotle was a bugger for the bottle
    Hobbs was fond of his dram
    And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart
    “I drink, therefore I am”

    Socrates himself is particularly missed…
    A lovely little thinker but a bugger when he’s pissed!”

    With grateful recognition of Monty Python

  14. middleXeast Says:

    Kevmoore, that was really funny, dude.

    Rene Descartes: I think, therefore I am.

    Jean Paul Sartre: I am, therefor I think.

    Jose Ortega y Gasset: I live, therefore I think.

    Frank Sinatra: Dubi dubi du,du du du di da.

    middleXeast: I blog, therefor Iam.

  15. Miki Says:

    Hi MiddleXeast!
    I have no idea why, but your comment had been marked as spam, and I just found it by accident (I normally never look in the spams box). So here it is again, in this wonderful context…
    Very funny too… I love it when intellectuality rises to the highest spheres of spirituality, in both senses…:-)

  16. Ryan Says:

    Thank you for the comment you left me.
    I will never be 100% what I want, but will always be 100% what I am.

    Your art is fantastic as well.
    It’s great to communicate with fellow artists.


  17. shea Says:

    Nice to meet you.

  18. Rowan Says:

    Hi Miki

    I’ve been looking through your paintings and found one that i really like – hand in hand in words – and i was wondering if you’d be okay with me doing it for my GCSE are project? Im doing holding hands .. representing emotions and i saw that one and thought it would be perfect for my historical piece.

    I’ve left my email address so let me know if you think it’s a good idea or not.. or just write back on here =] which ever


  19. Rowan Says:

    Art project even not are project =]

  20. Miki Says:

    Hi Rowan,

    happy to hear that you like one of my paintings! Something went wrong with your mail address, I didn t receive it.
    I guess this painting would be very good for your project, yes. But perhaps you should tell me more about this project, so that I can understand better what it is exactly for, and how you want to present it. I had another painting of a very young hand holding a grandfather´s hand, but it is sold and I am not sure if I have got a photo of it. But ask me if you are interested in seeing it, I will have a look if I can find a photo of it.
    My mail address is miki@goodaboom.com.

  21. sittingpugs Says:

    Hey Miki. Yes, I remember you from the Cafe Crem blog (I’m going to add it to my blogroll!)

    Thanks for stopping by Sitting Pugs and leaving a comment. Many of my friends and professors were surprised that I would write about football–they never pegged me for a fan of televised sports, excepting for Olympic sports and maybe baseball. ^!^


  22. Miki Says:

    Hi Stina, and thanks back for visiting and for your comment!

  23. Tomas Says:

    Wow, thank you! I must admit, I was going to view the artworks, but I was pierced with the incredible light of life – your colors portray the vitality of the eternities and make me the speechless… That is just … I fear high words, but that’s fine indeed. Thank you.

  24. Miki Says:

    Thank you so much Tomas! You can read in your blog how I found you, through another blog, how amazed I was by your art, and how I realised, just when I was writing a comment there, that it was you!
    Funny somehow…

  25. artisticked Says:

    U too have a really awesome stuffs out here…..!!…..Hats off to one of the rolling people…….!!……:)…….Will have to chk all the stuffs out there and surely i’ll comment…..U just give me a bit time…that’zzz all…….take care and i really appreciate ur support…..Bham bham bhole nath……!!……:)

  26. Thank you dear Miki « Candleday Says:

    […] Miki, your comments were these wondrous flowers. Thank […]

  27. Miki Says:

    Dear Tomas,

    this a wonderful , very touching post…
    your words go directly to my heart…
    no, it is not that… it is much deeper, much more alive… it is not a place where they go, it is a process, a movement:
    from my screen to my heart to my brain to my soul to my memories and hopes and wishes back to my heart, spinning in a circle of light with a speed faster than light, forwards to the beginning of time, simultaneously in all directions…
    I could go on for ever, and I am going for ever, AND YOU TOO!

    Thank you Tomas, for this extraordinary insight of you beautiful mind.


  28. sulochanosho Says:

    Marvellous words there:

    And who ever you are, what ever you do, which ever language you speak, I´ll be happy to have you on board in my boat floating upon the seas of all our universes…

    Let me float and melt away on your boat without a trace in the essence of the universe of this life and existence.

  29. Denis Eugene Arackal Says:

    I came here following your post in sulochans blog. I miss those days i used to paint. Keep up the nice work.

  30. Maliha Khan Says:

    Salaam waylay kum (another hello to add to your list =P) its hello in Urdu.

    Hey, I’m a 16 year old girl.
    Well I was just browsing around for some inspiration, and links to some contextual research I have to do and I came across your work.
    I don’t think I have been this speechless… I don’t think I have ever come across such passion; well I have but never like this.
    I guess your work’s just so unexpected, so…wow; I can’t even think of a word good enough to describe it.
    I myself love to paint; I’m currently a student in the Leeds College of art and design. and I guess you could call me a bit of an amateur, but I love painting, I love looking at new things, experiencing new things, I think when I looked at some of your work I sort of saw myself in them! I guess you could say I too am very passionate when it comes to art, I just love being able to put my imagination on canvas.
    So basically all this is just to say I think you’re amazing! And you’ve given me the courage to get out and actually do what I love the way I want, and not the way teachers have thought me in the past. So thank you for that! Seems like you have become an idol within a few seconds, unbelievable!
    Hope to be able to buy your art soon!
    Keep up the amazing work; you definitely enjoy it so guess there’s nothing stopping you.
    Anyway bye
    p.s I would like to ask your permission to use your work in my research, iv never really known the limits of copy right. Thank you

  31. Miki Says:

    Salaam waylay kum Maliha!

    I want to say a big thank you to you for your wonderful comment. Your words go directly to my heart, everything you write means so much to me. It is amazing how you seem to have understood ME just looking at my paintings… yes, you are right, I deeply enjoy painting and life and nothing can stop me. In fact I always went my way exactly as I wanted to, and I never let myself be dictated to by art teachers and books on how I should paint. They have good things to teach though, so I always take from them what seems compatible with my character and my freedom, nothing else!

    2 weeks ago I was contacted by a young girl from the USA who wants to make an art poster about me for her French classes. She made a little interview with me. She wanted to know if I have some advice for young artists and I answered:

    “…I think it is very important to have a certain inner freedom to make “good art”, meaning art which the public AND the artist themself both love. I think we should never doubt and have the courage to follow our inner impulses, our desires, our madnesses too! One must not be scared to be different and even to go against the stream. But one shouldn’t also paint only with the intention to be different, to shock, to contradict. One should paint with the most intellectual and artistic honesty possible….”

    I hope you are enjoying your art as I do. Please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you need some advice, some opinion, motivation, courage… not only I am a hard worker myself, but I am good too at motivating other people work! Anyway I would love to see some of your work. One who is able to write with such passion can only be a great artist!

    Looking forward to hear from you


  32. mikiaboom Merry Christmas « Ayuschka’s Blog Says:

    […] mikiaboom Merry Christmas Рубрика: Без рубрики by ayuschka на Декабрь 1st, 2008 mikia boom […]

  33. Captain Clean Boat Says:

    Nice and usefull post, thanks, this is one for my bookmarks!

  34. swatch Says:

    Hi Miki

    thanks for this site – I love your exuberant style.
    Full of life
    thanks for the inspiration


  35. eden Says:

    Hi miki,
    i am doing my GCSE art this year and i have chosen to study you as my artist study. i am inspired by your work and i think it is amazing. i am studying the hannds picture becasue it is amazing. i would like to know your whole name please and some background information on you please.
    thank you

  36. Miki Says:

    Thanks Eden!
    I will be pleased to send to you the info you want, but you have to give me your email address, or to send me a mail at mki@goodaboom.com

  37. Erual Says:

    Pleine de vie ressenti dans les couleurs !
    Ça donne la pèche, alors merci.


  38. кaппИ Says:

    Любопытно! Со смартфона немного тяжело читается, но оно того стоит!

  39. кaмycя Says:

    Да, инет – огромен, если и такое даже можно откопать 😉

  40. БPATAH Says:

    Сенкс, пост действительно грамотно написан и по делу, есть что почерпнуть.

  41. БЛOHДИHKA Says:

    На Ваш блог знакомый в аську ссылку кинул. Оказалось ,что не зря 🙂 Понравилось. Тепрь постоянно читать буду 🙂

  42. Tim Says:

    Hello, I just stumbled on to your website whilst doing some research for a friend of mine, both of us art students. I must tell you that I’m very impressed with your work, far more so than other artists I’ve recently discovered on the net (such as Roy Schallenberg etc). I, in my paintings, try to represent sound, movement, and emotion through colour and texture (old ideas I know, ah well), and have found that your paintings provide an incredible amount of inspiration and influence on my ideas. Don’t stop (although from reading your a boat, me, you won’t which is gooooood) doing what you do; it’s intellectual, inspirational, and pleasing on both the eye, and the mind.


  43. suburbandialect Says:

    ” ordered chaos”.. Miki …
    love that

  44. Cec Says:

    Hi Miki,

    I am just an 11 year old girl who had to find a portrait of a celeb for my art homework so I searched Rory McIlroy, as I come from the same place as him and your portrait came up. I wanted to tell you that it is AMAZING!
    I really like art but I am not the best and need improvment, I try to ask my older sister who is great at art but I wanted some real advice. Any tips?

    Thanks alot,
    Your Fan,

  45. Devadas.V.V. Says:

    Iam Devadas.v.v. Kerala traditional mural artist.
    Vaikkathusseri (House)

  46. dontchawannadream Says:

    Your work is AMAZING, Miki!!! J’adore!!

  47. bluebutterfliesandme Says:

    I love your work. It is just beautiful and vibrant.

  48. Anonymous Says:

    You think you would ever teach an watercolor painting online course? Boy would I love that!

  49. nina Says:

    I love your Spring dance painting. May I ask your permission to share it on Facebook, with credits to you?

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