Laptop with Sunscreen?

Today, in our favourite cafe by the beach, I saw for the first time since we have been going there, 2 young Spanish boys. You know this is the problem with living in Spain by the sunny coast, most of the people are either tourists, old, or both! And the ones who are not, the Spaniards, you never see them because they are working for the tourists, and anyway they generally avoid the sunny cafe terraces, preferring the shade.

These two boys were sitting there today, with a laptop. The first laptop I saw there, too, and I kind of liked it, yes, I love computers, everywhere! It was just so funny watching the two boys as they tried for a long time to view the screen, first with the computer buttons, then shading it with the hands, even using the café menu as a sun shade, but all to no avail: they couldn´t see anything on the screen, except their own reflection! A sunny cafe terrace in Spain is not the place to work on a computer! It´s much more suited to doing crosswords or smoking a cigarette!

Boy with laptop

Man doing crosswords

Cigarette Girl